Saturday, August 15, 2015

Bobblehead Blog

For those of you that enjoy reading the musings of other bobblehead collectors, take a look at The Bobblehead Blog.  I didn't see any information about the author of the blog, but the author takes a loo at various bobbleheads and offers thoughts on them.  His/her comments are interesting and the blog includes information on giveaway schedules which are very useful.  The most recent group of reviews are of various Red Sox items, such as Luis Tiant (picture borrowed from the blog).


Considering that I listed Tiant as one of my "missing issues" I will likely add Luis to my chase list.  

Its interesting to note that after being a team that issued very few bobbleheads over the years, the Red Sox are finally in on the action.  Using the Bobblehead Blog list, Boston will issue The Green Monster, Carlton Fisk, Tiant, Mike Napoli and Fred Lynn this season.

The Red Sox Fisk giveaway appears to be the fourth piece issued of Fisk.  As someone who is big on bobbleheads that provide a strong likeness of the subject, I thought I would include photos of all four and compare them.

Overall the four Fisk pieces are pretty solid.  To me, the least accurate of the four was the White Sox AGP giveaway in 2004:

   image from

Early AGP pieces were fairly generic with many of the faces, but this one is decent.  I certainly recognize Fisk with the 1980s Sox uniform.  If I saw the face without the uniform, I might not make Fisk my first guess, but he would probably be one of my first three or four guesses.

The bronze medal goes to Forever Collectibles for this retail issue:

   image from

Again in the Boston uniform, it is a no-brainer.  Looking at just the face, it is pretty clear that this is Fisk.  

The silver medal goes to the 2015 BoSox SGA issue.

   image from

This one looks like Fisk and the pose reflects an iconic baseball moment.  Even if it were spray painted white a baseball fan would know that this was from game 6 of the 1975 World Series.

My favorite Fisk issue was given out several years ago by the Lowell Spinners minor league team.  I am generally not deeply interested in minor league issues, but this one is in an MLB uniform and is a fantastic likeness of Fisk as a young player.  

As the years go, bobblehead issues get better and better.  That said, some players (Fisk and Rod Carew come to mind) have been done well whenever they've been done.

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